Project LUXURY PASTELS designed by Vinctoriya Faynblat ( )
Stylish, elaborate one. Perfect white color become dominant in this interior. White is always luxurious: in upholstery, in delicate textiles, a wall decoration. Additionally, each shade is in harmony with others giving a space some volume. Light warm tone gives the interior a necessary but moderate comfort and warmth. If to talk about delivery stylistics, that is harmonic interweaving of styles such as Art Deco. There was a place for both classics and glamor in this fascinating space. The whole flat is marked off into functional areas, which are, however, organic parts of a single dwelling.
In order to maintain a smooth flow of the space, a private bedroom was decided to zone using a decorated partition, which is decorated with splendid mosaic mural. Furniture throughout the apartment is chosen according to the defined style of Art Deco. The bathroom which looks like a rich restroom of eastern lady deserves close attention. As the finish, it is used natural marble, which is very well complements the mosaic mural. Large round bath bowl is placed on the podium decorated with golden illuminated mosaics.
The entire interior of this wonderful apartment actually deserves attention – like a fairy princess’ room that enjoys all the pleasures of her life.
And proper and harmonious zoning, talented decoration, and very innovative approach to the designing of space proves the professionalism and courage of the landlords.

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